Almico's Delphi Components
TEnhSpeech News Page


Last updated
01 jan 2003


42031 visits


The TEnhSpeech component for Delphi 2 and Delphi 3 supports Voice Commands and Text-to-Speech by encapsulating Microsoft SAPI (Speech API) supported by IBM too.

Note: if you're adding the component under Delphi 3 and your compiler can't find OLE2.DCU, add Delphi 3\lib\Delphi2 to your library search path. Please, note that the actual path may vary according to your base path.


Version Release date What's new
2.00 11 jan 1998 - the distribution package has changed its name from TEnhVoiceCommand to TEnhSpeech because now it includes new technologies and will support even more in the future
- added full Delphi 3 support
- added Text-to-Speech support
- created a new demo
1.04 14 mar 1997 - tested with IBM VoiceType 3.1 and any other SAPI compliant voice recognition system.
1.03 14 jan 1997 - added method AddCommand to add (at run-time) new commands to be recognised.
- added method DeleteCommand to delete (at run-time) a command to be recognised.
1.02 23 dec 1996 - fixed some minor errors in the help file
- added a reference to the link where Microsoft Voice can be found (thanks to Jeremy Coulter)
- fixed a bug caused by commands with a length multiple of 4 chars
- added a demo project
1.01 02 dec 1996 - added a better check for systems with no voice engine installed
1.00 20 nov 1996 - initial release
TEnhVoiceCommand icon